
Hello, there! My name is Megan, a twenty year old journalist student with aspirations to be a writer. Throughout my teenage years, I have watched my favourite bloggers grow into huge successes. I knew I wanted to be a part of this delightful online community and share my passion for books with the world.

As someone who practises journalism, I do possess an inquisitive mind; I dare to venture forth and question everything. I love to share my thoughts whether it is creatively, offering advice or talking about significant events. I like to evoke discussion. After all, the world would be very bland place if opinions were not so interestingly diverse!

My hobbies consist of writing both fiction and non fiction (surprise, surprise), reading and making videos. You can find my YouTube channel here

I really hope you enjoy my content as much as I love producing it!


  1. I LOVE the layout/ background of your blog it is so cute! (:

    Nikki O.

